MENU Guides

Explore our wide range of resources to build financial capability knowledge and skills.

MENU Guides
About Us

Sorted in Schools is a free financial capability programme fully aligned to the National Curriculum.


The resources in this area can be used independently or in groups to build financial capability knowledge and skills.
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Curriculum Level
Learning Area
Unit Standard 28087
Demonstrate knowledge of the effect of life stages on personal income

Version: 4
Credits: 3

Ages and Stages

The Ages and Stages module supports students to develop their understanding of the effect of three life stages on personal income, including the benefits that can come from planning for these changes in advance. 

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Unit Standard 28088
Describe credit and debt and their impacts on personal finances

Version: 3
Credits: 3

Credit and Debt
This module supports students to develop their understanding of how debt can impact on personal finances, along with factors that contribute to debt being manageable or unmanageable.

We would love to hear from you in this survey about how the learning materials have worked for you and your students. All feedback received will be used to inform any future updates.

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Unit Standard 28089
Demonstrate knowledge of personal financial goal setting

Version: 4
Credits: 3

Goal Getters
This module supports students to develop their understanding of personal financial goal setting, including ways to monitor and maintain progress towards a financial goal.

We would love to hear from you in this survey about how the learning materials have worked for you and your students. All feedback received will be used to inform any future updates.

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Unit Standard 28090
Demonstrate knowledge of selected personal financial saving and investment options that provide financial benefits

Version: 4
Credits: 3

Future Focus
This module supports students to develop their understanding of different saving and investment options, including which options are the best match for a given situation.

This module is the companion of the Level 2 US28095 module 'Investment Options'.

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Māori Medium Education

Written in te reo Māori with resources aligned to Te Marautanga o Te Aho Matua and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.

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